Boosted by an unprecedented digitalization of consumption in 2020, retail media has emerged as a tactical response for brands that have had to adapt to the new health context. One year ago, at the Hubday Retail, we presented the 4 challenges of e-Retail marketing in 2020, a response to the high funnel objectives, the harmonisation of KPI's, consumer knowledge and the platformisation of tools. 1 year and 2 confinements later, what is the assessment of these 4 major challenges of e-retail Media? More than ever, Retail Media has proven to be a performance driver. Retailers' data, the new black gold of marketing, is now activated via platform solutions made in France. Illustration with the CARS (Cdiscount Advertising Retail Solution) platform, which allows advertisers to activate Cdiscount data in search, display and video, in self. Candy-Hoover-Haier, a major player in the French household appliance market, will present feedback on the adaptation of its strategy during the confinement period, for the 100% online launch of a new brand of large household appliances exclusively on Cdiscount, a category that has historically been attached to in-store promotion.